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Get enterprise information under control with Citrix solutions

Get enterprise information under control with Citrix solutions:

- Empower workshifting and mobility by delivering the right level of secure access and collaboration anytime, anywhere to leverage a highly mobile and geographically dispersed workforce.
- Embrace consumerization by enabling application portability and control of user profiles and settings in the datacenter and delivering encrypted information to any device.
- Enforce compliance, data privacy and data protection by taking a more efficient, comprehensive, yet granular approach to controlling and auditing application and data access.
- Reduce costs by centralizing desktop and application maintenance, updates and patches.
- Move to the cloud by extending enterprise infrastructure to take advantage of cloud based applications and services.

Why DBA Consulting chooses Citrix:

Citrix is recognized by the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) as the Outstanding Organization of the Year in 2011 for its contributions to the advancement of information security, helps your organization regain control and manage risk more effectively while providing optimal flexibility to allow the business to do what it needs to do, the way it needs to.

Regain control over enterprise information

Providing strict yet flexible control over access, reliable endpoint security and built-in compliance auditing, the secure-by-design approach for delivering desktops, applications or entire workloads addresses key security prioritiesówhile reducing costs through simplified management.

Centralize information resources, and manage and secure them in the datacenter

- Enterprise applications, data and business information are accessed securely from anywhere, rather than residing on the endpoint devices of every worker in the extended enterprise.
- IT can easily define and enforce policies over which resources specific users or groups can access, including whether or not they can install and configure applications themselves.
- Desktop and application access can be turned on and off instantly as needed in the event of new or departing workers, transfers and business continuity scenarios.

Control access through pre-configured granular based policies

 - IT can determine the appropriate level of user access to applications and data wherever they reside: in the datacenter, in a public or private cloudóeven when downloaded to a local device for offline use.
- IT can deliver the right level of access based on the userís current profile, device, network and location.

Deliver enterprise information securely to any device

- IT can enable secure access and collaboration for every employee, contractor or partner from any personal device or corporate-owned device workers choose to use.
- Rather than making distinctions between enterprise-owned and outside devices, IT evaluates every device and user as they attempt to connect to the enterprise network, then grants the appropriate levels of access to each resource through access control policies

Achieve compliance through built-in monitoring, tracking and auditing of information access

- Full activity logging, reporting and auditing make it easier to meet compliance and privacy standards.
- IT can define and implement policies to ensure conformance with  requirements - both internal and external - while maintaining the flexibility to respond to new mandates as they emerge.

Virtual Desktop and Security: Part1 Enable Secure Access

Virtual Desktop and Security: Part2 Managing Security Policies

Are you bothered by too many Passwords? Checkout this solution from LogMeOnce:



For more information please contact me at:

Drs. Albert Spijkers
DBA Consulting
web:            http://www.dbaconsulting.nl
blog:            DBA Consulting blog
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email:          info@dbaconsulting.nl 

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